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An Introduction to Dah'Screwe Art of Cooking
First, we will give you an historical overview to show how Dah'Screwe eating habits developed. Then we provide you with a short list of the most commonly used foodstuffs and we like to finish with some delicious yet easy to make snacks.
History Of Dah'Screwe Eating Habits
Before the Proto-Screw evolved into todays Dah'Screwe, the Proto-Screw were cave-dwellers who sought shelter from the winds. There was and there still is a great resource of food in these places. Many species searched a safe place in caves and canyons and that is one of the reasons why the Proto-Screw evolved into an intelligent species. They did not have to go far to look for food. Todays traditional meals still echo this past; the taste for small cave or tunnel rodents and a wide variety of insects has never disappeared. As this is what defines this race's appetite. Besides that, they eat vegetables but to a lesser degree.
The Proto-Screw had handy claws to dig out insects and roots. They were strong to lift boulders to find another days meal. But they still had to work hard and that is another aspect of their cooking habits. They can create huge diners with many courses on occasion. Usually this happens on large celebrations, for example the changing of the seasons. When the Dah'Screwe were blessed with enough intelligence to build shelters and gained more free time, they started developing more interesting eating habits. They have changed over the millenia, but most of the animals and plants they ate still exist.
The Vinalari system has 3 planets where food is grown. On Deh'Maran natural food recourses are abundant. Especially the fish cuisine is recommended. The wildlife and edible plants found on this world have completely different characteristics and are said to 'only please a Dah'Screwe'. This due to the fact that 'what you have prepared yourself, tastes much better'. That seems to be the case for most alien lifeforms. Ho der'sho. Dobara Me' uila! Or "Each his own", in translation. But opinions defer, as do tastes. One thing is certain, you will need a well developed taste, both physically as well as mentally!
On Noli Arwenh, flora and fauna are protected. The harsh conditions will not replenish depleted food sources quickly, more likely they will die out. Still, some plants are considered a delicacy. The demand for these plants is increasing and during the last decade a number of 'Plant Raiders', as they are named, have been arrested for disturbing the protected flora and fauna. Strangely enough, the wealthy on Dah'Scrawa e.g., nor finetasters of other systems do not demand these delicacies; the Noli Arwenh population itself, consisting of miners, who are paid well fuel the need for the 'forbidden fruit'.
That leaves the homeworld; Dah'Scrawa. Here, the greatest diversity in both flora and fauna is found. We will focus on the edible species. First, let us examine the main group vegetables. Here is a list:
(*) Lopolah's taste depends on what time of year it is harvested.
(**) The percentage used is the average consumption of the food on Dah'Scrawa.
The supply of vegetables is not centralised. Vegetable farms can be found outside cities near so called 'wild farms'. More about that you will read in the Animal Meat section. The smart principle behind having wild farms and vegetable farms combined, is that these industries reinforce each other. Surplus vegetables never go to waste. Apart from being exported to other worlds, surpluses go to the wild farms as food for the animals. The animals referred to as 'wildstock' are prepared for consumption at the wildfarms themselves. Only pre-prepared meat leaves the wild farms for the retailer. Still, it is possible for individuals to order 'raw meat' at the retailer. This because many Dah'Screwe like to prepare their own food from animal to meal. The waste meat and inner organs not suitable for consumption are recycled into natural fertilizers for the farms. This way, the production is always in balance.
Animal meat comes in a wide variety. In most natural wildlife habitats hunting is forbidden. This society had developed a system where wildlife habitats merge with urban areas. These areas are used for recreation and wildlife observing. Most meat today comes from wild farms. On these farms animals live and reproduce to supply local needs. Larger Wetj'Ah own these farms while retailers and related businesses are owned by individuals. Now, let us list the most commonly eaten meat varieties.
Name Animal: | Localisation: | Nature: | Cubical Size: | Taste/Mouth Feel: | Used % |
Ratha | Arctic Forrests | Herbivore | 90 cm³. | Soft, Sweet | 21 |
Makker | Equatorial Mountains | Semi Dependant | 120 cm³ | Salty, Tough | 16 |
Swenda'An | Equatorial Plains | Dependant Herbivore | 220 cm³ | Sweet, Melting | 30 |
Chalar'Ar'An | Global, Different Varieties | Mutual Cooperative | 150 cm³ | Depends on Preperation | 15 |
Li'Arak'Aran'Nahr'Ara Mendolasiar | Global Coastal | Carnivore | 46,4 cm³ | Bitter, Chewy | 25 |
Beral | Cave Dweller | Omnivore | 15 cm³ | Neutral, Soft | 25 |
Using the before mentioned foods, we will now provide you with some recipes. As mentioned before, we will focus on in flight cooking.
Ingredients (serves : 2)
Ingredients (serves :2)
This is a common snack on Dah'Scrawa. It is easy to make and fits right into those lonely moments aboard your ship. If you are carrying passengers, especially if they are of the furry race, you cannot please them more! Aboard every ship belonging to a Vinalari System Transport business or other passenger carrying company, you will find Debi Squares. The furry race simply doesn't book flights aboard ships where Debi Squares are not served!
Ingredients (serves : 3)
The Zinna fish lives in the strings of small lakes in the northern hemisphere. In winter when loads of snow fall from the skies, this one standard earth meter long fish survives in unfrozen water with temperatures that can go as low as -12 C. This special condition makes that the Zinna fish goes into an hibernation for the duration of the winter. In the mud on the bottom of the lakes it finds a spot to dig in. Then slowly but surely it starts to swallow up rotting plant material that is stirred up by the turbulent winds. These plant materials give the fish its special taste.
Ingredients (serves : 2)This condensed report on Dah'Screwe eating, habits, food sources and recipes has been kindly donated to the Collins Encyclopedia Galactica by the famous Terran cook Edward Caplen. Excerpts were taken from his best selling books, The Edward Caplen Guide to Alien Cuisine and Interstellar Travel Food. We have arranged a special deal where our readers can download to their terminal the full copies of both book by clicking here for the price of 50 standard Earth Credits.
For now, good luck and as the Dah'Screwe say, "Mosmoto mer Tra'An eswerelda!" (May a sweet wind caress your tongue!)
Dah'Screwe Exobiology | Dah'Screwe Science | Dah'Screwe Ships |